A downloadable game

Introduction and Aims

My next game is planned to be a real-time strategy game with maybe some Defender of the Crown bits thrown in. I want to make a top down battle game a bit like Stratego, only with freely moving pieces, and enemys bouncing off each other, until they are pulled back or are dead. The battles will play out a bit like Carthage, with the ability to drag and drop units around, and guide them with target paths.


1MB Chip Ram + 1MB Slow Ram.

Any Amiga with Kickstart 3.0 or above

5MB free storage space

Flickerfixer (for real Amigas)

V0.3i Demo - Now Working!!

See Devlog here!


(The map in map mode)

(Drakes map of Eboracum, 1736)

(Shop/City backdrops)




Eketorps borg, village in Sweden (GoogleMaps)

Development Log

The general idea behind this is an experiment in using arrays to take care of all of the units in the game. By copying all of the X and Y co-ordinates of all of the units into an array with each turn, it means I should be able to quickly look up every units position, and check for hit detection on each frame of movement, in a similar way to my Dizzy game. In practice, working with While Loops to procedurally handle everything in nice fast small routines is massively head mashing, given that the states of so many variables will be flying around all over the place on each turn, and it's so much easier to code in long-hand Ifs.

V0.01 - V0.08 - 14-18 Jan 2025 - Wrote most of the test code in long hand. Hit Detection moved to an Array. Limited success, as only the 1st ally and 1st enemy seem to detect each other. Units can be placed in formation, and will hunt for enemies and follow them. Bump routine needs to be re-written.

V0.08-V0.1C - 21-22 Jan - x3 friendly and 3 enemy units detecting and attacking each other. Stats bar started.

V0.1D-E - 23-24 Jan - GB area map started, made flag colours array.

V0.1F - 26-27 Jan - Started campaign Story with programmable map flags.

V0.1G - 28 Jan - Entered more story, but Guru happened, story data is now split.

V0.1H - 29 Jan - New routine to move player, and added region names on map.

V0.1I -1 Feb - Bug fix flags and some story. Flag colour changes now subroutine.

V0.2A-B - 3 Feb - Town/Shop page started, 14 weapons added. Game split onto separate cards/screens.

V0.2C-D - 5 Feb - Made an intro sequence, with a panning map and captions.

V0.2E - 6 Feb - Converted some Google Maps satellite images for battle game.

V0.2F-G - 8 Feb - Citizens, Buy Battalions, and Arthur Year-notes added.

V0.2H - 11 Feb - Totally rewrote Battle Mode to use proper Arrays.

V0.2I-J - 12 Feb - Battle Mode bugfix, debug mode, retarget Units working.

V0.2K - 14 Feb - Intro panels for battle mode. Health hit timers started.

V0.2L - 16 Feb - Battle Mode battalion icons, fixed dead units and retarget.

V0.3A - 17 Feb - Some bug fixing. Added example Raiding image.

V0.3B - 19 Feb - Added digitised village for Raid mode.

V0.3C - 20 Feb - Added x3 princesses and scrolls.

V0.3D - 21 Feb - Added x3 music tracks, and village pics in intro.

V0.3E - 23 Feb - Diplomacy screen, music volume control, raids enabled.

V0.3F-G - 24 Feb -Debug Battle look ahead, added Education area. Map UI Fix.

V0.3H - 25 Feb - Fixed introduction, added title on menu, new info page.

V0.3I - 26 Feb - Redesigned Battle UI, aggressive search, + endless bugfixes!!

V3.0J - 3 Mar - Added all 24 battalions! Debug status bar. Battles started.


ArthursCampaign0.3i.hdf 5 MB
BattleV0.3i.lha (HDD Version). 3.3 MB

Development log


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PS: And thanks a lot for your comment on Amiga-News.de! :)

(1 edit)

Yes, but it only appears in the English version of the forum, switching to German means my comment disappears.

New version 0.3i now works. Thanks!


But you should add the hint in your desciption, that slow RAM is required. I do not know exactly how much, but after setting it to 2 MB it did not have crashes or software failure any longer. Maybe you can tell how much at least is required.

(1 edit)

Great that it is working. Yes, it needs 1MB Chip and 1MB Fast, but maybe it still works on A1200?  I'll put a note on the game page. Also, thanks for the share.  171 people used your link!  27 downloaded.


I'm always pleased when feedback like this tells me that our articles are helping to publicize the work of developers,

Looking forward to try it on my A1200 and A600GS.

It should work without issues, as it's only a slide show at this stage. If you look closely at the 5th screenshot, you might spot I used your name as one of my battalions. ;)

Cool ;-)

Here's a game you'll have all the fun making. 

(2 edits)

Thanks Glenn, glad to see you here. I notice you make Atari 2600 games. Great going. 
Yes, a labour of love, but I'm looking forward to the mini games more
 than most of the rest of the game, so we'll see.

Cool stuff indeed. I am interested in playing this since a history of enjoying strategy games, so I request cheat codes up front on the mini games deal, myself being 'of an age,' lol.

There is a cheat mode in the demo, just click BACK instead of NEXT on the map and you get to do more stuff. Other than that, the demo is just basically a slideshow at this stage. You'll get to see it next Thursday!

Cool, I'm on it.

(1 edit)

Thanks Glenn for the payment. Very great gesture. I've now removed the payment option as this is just a demo after all.  Hopefully it will encourage others to download it?  The game should now be working.


Thanks for your support! :)


always for Amiga, I guess...

Yes, only Amiga!