Instructions Menu added

Yes, stage 1 is now done, and the game seems to be functioning. 

With the menu now in place, the final step is to add the track maps for stages 2 and 3, the AWS, and then final testing.

I had hoped to have this done in May, but I really need to go back to editing my LemonTubeAmiga videos, so I'm not sure how far I am going to get in the next few weeks. It depends on my mojo, and ability to perform. 

Luckily, I put in a timer printer in to the game, which lists out all the timings for events, activated by the fire button. So it should be a simple matter of clicking though the time codes, and then writing those down and putting them into the game.

Get Trans-Pennine Express (Amiga) - Prototype FMV train sim.

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