A downloadable Holiday

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Welcome to your Holiday (V1.07)!        

You arrive at your Spanish resort in 1988 and unpack. The weather here
is hot and humid; with the air  smelling sweet like ripe bananas.

Your task during the next 11 days is simply to survive.

You'll need to make use of 3 special items. Holding them will give you protection from the sun. Beware!, a few screens contain instant death scenarios.

Ancient Game History

The idea started around 1988. I went on holiday to Tenerife with my mum. And the aim of the game was to fulfill her demands and also meet girls. They gave a special room key, to one of the 8 floors in the hotel. I made a start on this game using Amiga BASIC, but never managed to load in any images, so gave up. This game is nothing like that one.

I messed around with CanDo a bit over the years, and always wanted to discover how to use it. It  seemed like any application could be made using the software, but I had no clue.  

Recently I posted two threads, one on Lemon and the other on EAB, asking for help with making a game. And the reply was Cando, Can Do it!  At first the interface put me off, but after a lot of head scratching to get through the initial brick wall, I found it came to me eventually. It was strange to have to remind myself of If Then Else, and Loops and Variables from my College days. I even have a While loop in there!, to delay the rooms. The whole thing took just over a month to create. One issue was I didn't send the code from the side bar buttons to a sub-routine, and instead did the code routines per page. Big mistake! I had to go through each page to make small changes!


Now with two radio stations:

  • Classic 80s FM
  • Smooth Dub Vibes FM


  • Any Amiga with Kickstart 3.0 or better (does NOT work with other roms).
  • 1MB chip ram and at least 5MB of other ram. 6MB-8MB is recommended for fast loading of all radio tracks.
  • Any CPU, but 020+ is definitely recommended!
  • Optional: An Emulator capable of reading Amiga .HDF files.
  • Optional: A way to copy the files onto a real Amiga hard drive.
  • Optional: Assign CanDo: to the destination location.

Update Log:

V1.0 - Initial release
V1.02 - Fixed exiting of nightclub bugs
V1.03b - Added two radio stations, burp and hiccup SFX
V1.03c - Fixed the broken radio button. Added some text when you click on some activities and random things. Changed the intro music to Holiday by Madonna.
V1.05 - Changed the game period date back to 1988. Added labels to some buttons. Added a 'Help' text icon half-way down 'The Strip'. Fixed scoring bugs on day 6, and 7. Added some headings and separators to the intro text, and removed boxed and AGA versions. Added a P.s to the mission brief. Fixed dining room so that meals last for 1hr. Renamed Souvenirs in the outdoor market. Renamed Peninsula to omit 'fishing'.
V1.05b - Added two more hidden click boxes, and a stats box, in Room 2; showing collectables and drinks. Clicking on this also changes the radio stations.
V1.05b1 - Stopped the music when closing the game down from the titles, game over screens, or the players room. See Dev Log for specific details.
V1.07 - Fixed music staying on when quitting. Fixed mission complete bug if after midnight. Spelling mistakes. Added 10 more hidden text boxes. See Dev Log.


Is the game 100% finished? Hopefully. If you find any bugs, please let me know.
Why is movement so slow!? - The game will run slowly on 000 CPUs. 'Fast Walk' is enabled as standard. Clicking the 'Fast Walk' option from your hotel room will switch on fast movement. There is also 'Slow Walk' to simulate people slowly walking around on a hot day in Spain, and also so that people can see the images (Photo view).
I'm totally lost!! - There are five books in the game. The first is in your room, and the others are along the beach road, and one is on the strip. Reading those books can help. The feeling of being lost will soon disappear, as the game is only very small.
I'm getting killed, why?? - Apart from three instant death scenarios in the game, the only way to die is if you have not collected all three protective items. They are described in your diary. You must also apply the sun cream, just like in real life, but this will be washed off if you take a shower.
Do I HAVE to do the missions? - No, once you have the three main items, you can just walk around and do what you like for the rest of the game.
There is a bug with taking the jacket off!!! - Yes, the jacket is the only item which can be forcefully dropped in the game. But this makes a hole in the inventory, which is labelled as Nothing. i.e. there is Nothing in that slot. The game is meant to do that.
Movement is all crazy?? - Movement is context driven rather than a fixed N,S,E, and W, due to the way the images are turned. Some locations have more than one exit to the same destination. The trick is to look at the road or the floor of the image, and choose a direction from there.
The game seems to freeze for a moment when using the water and the bun! - Yes, a small delay was added after selecting those items, to stop the game from instantly printing the empty wrapper and bottle text on the screen. This delay only happens in Fast Walk mode. Sometimes if a button is double-clicked, the results can be unpredictable.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

HolidayV1.07.lha - (8MB+ Rec) 6.5 MB
HolV1.07.source 1.8 MB
HolidayV1.05b1.hdf - (8MB+ rec.) 15 MB
HolidayV1.03b.hdf - Game Jam (needs 6MB) 13 MB

Development log


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I just added a HDD Launcher and 8 Colour icon. Just copy the contents of the HDDStart.lha to where ever you install the .LHA package, in the MY folder. This is the same folder as the executable is in. Then run the icon from there. See Dev Log for more info.


I would like to try it out on my classic A500 with 020/8MB Fast but only HDF-file is available for Download. Would you be able to offer an lha-archiv for Download please? That would be awesome ...

Thank you and keep the magic alive !!!

(1 edit)

Hi there.  Ok I copied all the files on my HDF to an LHA file, which you can now download. It's the 8MB V1.05b version, which should be fine with 10MB.  You will need to assign the directory for it to run. Go into CLI, and type:

Assign CanDo:  <destination> (e.g. Dh0:Games/Cando)

Or run AssignX to select this at run time.

**Don't forget - this needs Kickstart 3.0 or better**

Thank you. I'll try it out this evening and let you know.

Guess it didn't work then??

It works so far, but there seems to be a problem with the screen-resolution. Not all of the text is visible and some elements have wrong position.

Hi there.  Thanks for showing those images. I guess I could make a HDD installer for it, but for now, look inside My folder for the Fonts folder. Copy all the fonts to your hard drive (e.g. CLI: Copy Fonts DH0:/Fonts ALL).  Or you could add the path of the new fonts (e.g. CLI: Path Dh0:Cando/My/Fonts Add). Then it should find the condensed60 font and also smallfont, and the game should look like my screenshots.  Glad it is working! :)

Ok, I uploaded a launcher. Just copy the files to the MY folder where ever you installed this to the HDD. It should work with your setup. Can you test it for me?

Hi there. I made 1.3C but the system wont let me upload it until after the Jam ends in 11 days. It contains a new title track, a working radio with two stations, and some text when players click on things. So it should be the final version.

Nice game and good idea. Thank you.

Thanks for trying it out. :)


Nice game!