A downloadable tool

This is the installation for WinUAE. but FS-UAE should be fairly similar.

Boot Disk Contains

  • Picasso IV RTG and PPC Workbench
  • Quick access to Display, RTG and AHI Audio Preferences
  • Icons and configs for many RTG games
  • An RTG PS1 emulator
  • AmigaLive and Lemon Amiga backdrop themes
  • Read Me! file explaining how this all came about.


1. Unpack this archive to somewhere.

2. Copy the Roms to your usual UAE Roms folder. It should already comtain a Kickstart 3.0 or 3.1 bios rom or this wont work.

3. Copy the RTG1.hdf to somewhere near your Amiga config.

4. Copy the .uae config file to your usual UAE configs folder.

5. Load UAE and Choose Configurations. Load up the config.

6. Choose Paths, and make sure everything is normal.

7. Choose Expansions, and make sure the CyberstormPPC.44.71.rom is pathed correctly.

7b. While in expansions, click the top pull-down menu and choose Graphics Boards. Make sure the PicassoIV_flash.rom is pathed correctly. (it should say "Picasso IV (128k) when it is correctly pathed)

8. Choose Hard Drives. Double click the RTG1.hdf and change the path to the correct place.

9. Click Add Directory (or Hard File etc), and add the drive with some RTG games on it to (device name) DH1

    Note! - This setup also adds PC drives at startup, so if you have RTG games on a PC drive, maybe you dont need DH1?

10. Choose Configurations, and click Save to store your configuration.

11. Now click start. If all goes well, a screen should appear with a nice AmigAlive background.

12. Please Read the Readme file.

13. Go to a drive or directory with some RTG games unpacked on there.  If the game you installed does not have an icon, please look in the saveconfigs drawer on RTG1.  In here are some icons. Select SHOW ALL FILES, and then drag the contents over to  the RTG folder which contains your game files. e.g. VanillaConquerRA, or Carmageddon folder.  Now double click on your new icons and the game should now boot.  Not every game comes with an icon, and not every game which needs an icon are in the saveconfigs drawer - these examples are just to get you started.

14. Enjoy!


Games with known issues:

KOBO DELUXE - seems to freeze on the loading screen??
KOULES - needs 640 x 512 screen mode set within workbench screenmode prefs (and maybe RTG screenmode also??).

VANILLA CONQUER (Various) - can play too quickly on fast modern hardware. Turn Cycle Exacts on and then off again for Slow Mode can help.


The Configuration In Detail:

If you want to configure your (MAC or PC) UAE manually, here are the details:

Cpu - 060

Jit enabled

fastest possible

fpu - cpu internal, more compatible, host 64-bit

8mb JIT cache size

FPU support enabled, constant jump, no flags, indirect

Chipset - AGA

Cycle exacts disabled

Extra chipset A4000

Keyboard Connected

Advanced Chipset - compatible settings

Rom - KS3.1

Ram - 2mb chip, 128mb 32-bit chip

DMA capable

Hard Drives - 

RTG1.hdf (as dh0, bootable).  Some RTG games somewhere (as dh1)

Add PC drives at startup (optional)

CDFS Automount

Expansions -
IDE controllers, A600/A1200/A4000, enabled

Graphics boards - Picasso IV (Village Tronic), with PicassoIV_flash.rom
Accelerator Board Settings - Phase 5 Cyberstorm, Cyberstorm PPC, with cyberstormPPC_44.71.rom pathed, 128mb memory

uaescsi.device enabled

RTG Board - 

Picasso IV (Zorro III) (Village Tronic), Vram 4MB, select your monitor or output card.

Scale if smaller than display, enabled

Always scale in windowed mode, enabled

Default refresh, double buffering, auto aspect.

Display - 

Native, 32bit, default refresh, triple buffering

Settings - Native=Full-window, RTG=Full-window  (note: not full screen!)

Remove interlace artifacts, VGA resolution auto-switch

Overscan = Overscan, resolution autoswitch = disabled, PAL

Auto centering = Horizontal and vertical

Double line mode, double frames interlace line mode.

Sound - 

WASAPI: Default Audio Device (tick WASAPI at the bottom)

Enable sound emulation and auto switching

Master volume = 50%, Paula, AHI, CD etc = 100% volume

Interpolation - anti

90% separation

44100 frequency

Gameports - Joypad (optional)

Filter - (optional)

Null Filter

Automatic scaling

Horz/Vert position = 0, 0, 0, 0

Aspect ration correction = 16:9

(everything else disabled)


Please report any major bugs to lifeschool on LemonAmiga.com

Thanks AMIGAlive and lifeschool for putting this together.



Development log

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